MFIs show their resilience in the COVID-19 crisis and their willingness to recover in 2021
We are happy to share with you the results of a 5th wave of survey carried out in partnership with Fondation Grameen Credit Agricole and ADA to monitor the effects of the Covid-19 crisis for partner MFIs worldwide.
Responses, collected in the second half of December from 74 MFIs located in 42 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, confirmed that local measures to contain the epidemic still had consequences on the activities of MFIs and their clients.
The major constraint that persisted between the period from October to December was the difficulty in collecting loan repayments. However, the stability of the increase in PAR, as well as the levels of recovery, does not reflect a further deterioration in the financial situation of the MFIs.
Despite an unstable context and all the obstacles it entails, the vast majority of the MFIs surveyed expect their activity to grow in the new year, both in terms of portfolio volume and number of clients.
This confidence, which was already evident in the surveys conducted during the summer, is a further sign of the resilience of these institutions.
ENGLISH VERSION: The will of MFIs to maintain their activities during Covid-19 crisis
VERSION FRANÇAISE: La volonté des IMF de maintenir leurs activités face à crise Covid-19
VERSIÓN ESPAÑOLA: La voluntad de las IMF de mantener sus actividades ante la crisis del COVID 19