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Izabela Norek

Investment Manager & Helenos Portfolio Coordinator
Izabela Norek

Izabela, with 22 years of experience, took the position of CoopEst Risk Manager in 2009 and in 2012 joined the CoopEst Executive Committee. Her professional career has always been linked to business development, including a start-up phase and 12 years of managing a microfinance organization in Poland, for which she raised over 3 M€ of grants. During that period she gained an in-depth knowledge of microfinance, supplemented by study tours of various MFIs in Europe, Asia and Latin America. In addition, for two years she served as Board member of the Polish Association of Loan Funds. She holds a Masters’ degree in English philology and a post-graduate Diploma in Business from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. She has also attended courses at Oregon State University and the University of Colorado, USA. Native Polish, Izabela is fluent in English, conversational in Russian and currently learning French.

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